Small and mid-cap Equity research specialists

Grow your investor base. Contact us now.

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Raising capital has never been easy and recent changes to financial regulations has made it even more difficult. Brokers and research houses are covering fewer companies, making it more difficult than ever for small and mid-cap companies to get attention from brokers and investors. At Venn Brown we understand the difficulties companies face in this environment and are committed to helping them reach a wider audience of investors and financiers from around the world.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you expand your shareholder base and reduce your cost of capital.

Benefits of equity research

Rise above the crowd

Rise above the crowd

Equity research reports are more than just a source of information on your company and industry. They are a critical tool in communicating your company's story, growth potential, and true value. Our research is read by retail and institution investors both domestically and around the globe, financial planners, investment bankers, private equity and VC funds, lenders, and the media.
As an independent research provider, Venn Brown offers a unique perspective that goes well beyond annual reports and results announcements.

Realise your true value

Venn Brown’s reports simplify the process for investors and lenders to understand your business and its true value.
Our reports provide investors with a clear understanding of your company, its drivers and industry dynamics, making it easier for investors to recognise your true potential. By clearly and succinctly presenting your company’s value proposition, we increase your potential investor pool to millions around the world.

Realise your true value
Reach a global audience

Reach a global audience

Our research reports are distributed to millions of investors around the world. We distribute our research directly through our network of retail and institutional brokers and advisors while also publishing them on the world’s largest financial data platforms, reaching millions of retail and institutional investors as well as stockbrokers, investment banks, VCs and private equity, lenders and credit markets and news and media outlets.


Tell it how it is

We’re not a PR or marketing company. We tell it as it is. Our research is comprehensive and covers every aspect of your business, providing an honest opinion that is far more detailed and valued than anything gleaned from your annual reports.
This independence is a critical part of our business which is why we're highly selective in the companies we work with.

Tell it how it is

Contact us to learn how Venn Brown can help your business reach the next level.

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Why Venn Brown



Each of our analysts has more than fifteen years investment experience spanning equity research, broking, funds management, listed and private markets, venture capital and startups.

Global distribution

Global reach

With our extensive global distribution, we not only provide comprehensive research, but we put you in front of millions of investors from around the globe. This exposure increases your visibility, attracts potential investors and helps realise your true value.

Research quality

Research quality

Our research covers every aspect of your business. In a clear and understandable manner we provide a complete picture of your performance and position it within the context of the broader investing landscape.



Basically no bulls@#t. We believe in honesty and transparency in all our research.
Our no-nonsense approach ensures investors get an accurate and reliable analysis of your company.



Our extensive experience, connections, and credentials give us credibility in both domestic and international markets. Our reputation for quality research and reliable analysis gives investors confidence in what we say.

Broker network

Broker network

Our network of local brokers and financial planners provides a direct line to local retail and high net worth investors. This network helps increase your company's profile amongst investors and the broader market.

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