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Venn Brown is a specialist small and mid-cap equity research house. Our top-rated analysts undertake comprehensive research on some of Australia’s most promising and underappreciated small and mid-cap companies. Our goal is to help some of Australia's best companies grow their investor base, while introducing investors to these undiscovered gems.



Unlock hidden investment opportunities with Venn Brown's equity research. Subscribe now to gain exclusive access to insightful analysis on underappreciated small and mid-cap companies.

Venn Brown

At Venn Brown, we believe that small and mid-cap companies play a vital role in driving economic growth and innovation.

Our mission is to help investors find undiscovered gems and provide them with the research they need to make informed investment decisions, all while helping some of Australia's most promising companies reach a new audience and grow their investor base.


There are more than 2,000 listed Australian companies but only the largest 250 or so get research coverage by brokers and research houses. This leaves hundreds of high-performing companies largely undiscovered and undervalued, presenting a significant opportunity for motivated investors to gain an edge.

Venn Brown

With a focus on quality analysis and a deep understanding of investment markets, Venn Brown strives to provide investors with a competitive edge in today's dynamic and ever-changing market. The additional upside is that our research helps some of Australia's most promising and undervalued small and mid-cap companies expand their investor base and find their true value.

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We help investors find top performing undervalued, unappreciated investment opportunities.

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Comprehensive analysis

Our independent research delivers in-depth analysis on each company, its industry, advantages, competitors, customers and opportunities.

Financial models

Discover real value

We identify value that others miss. Our research helps investors discover hidden gems and underappreciated companies that are overlooked by other investors.

Comprehensive analysis

Financial models

Our recommendations are supported by detailed financial models. Our analysts use comprehensive financial models to uncover hidden value not seen by the market.

Discover real value

Top rated analysts

Our top rated analysts have decades of experience researching and investing in small and mid-cap companies, both in Australia and around the world.



We only cover companies that meet our strict criteria, and we call it as we see it. The companies we cover appreciate our independent approach and our commitment to integrity.

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If you're a manager or director of a company looking to expand your investor base and lower your cost of capital, then contact us today. Our team can help put your business in front of millions of investors and financiers from around the world.

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